What is The Lifespan of a Ragdoll Cat?

If you are interested in keeping a Ragdoll cat it is important to answer the question – what is the lifespan of a Ragdoll cat?
The lifespan of a Ragdoll cat depends on several factors, but most importantly the care and health of the cat. Ragdoll cats live on average between 12 to 15 years, but some cats can live older than 15 years.
Ragdolls are a relatively new breed of cat. They were first developed by breeder Ann Baker in the 1960s.
They are very affectionate, easy-going, friendly, and intelligent cats. It is important to understand that cats are not a uniform species and that there is significant variation within each breed. The reason that the lifespan varies so much between breeds is because of the genetic differences between them. There is also a huge variation in lifespan within each breed.

What is The Lifespan of a Ragdoll Cat?
Ragdoll cats are large and affectionate, making them great pets to own. They are ideal lap cats and thoroughly enjoy being petted.
Ragdolls weigh around 20 pounds and can be up to 40 inches in length. They are noted for their blue eyes and pointed coats. They can come in a variety of different coat patterns and colors, with the colors being chocolate, red, seal, blue, lilac, and cream.
So, what is the lifespan of a Ragdoll cat? There is no official lifespan for a Ragdoll cat, but we can estimate that most will live between 12 and 15 years. However, it is not uncommon for a ragdoll to live to be as old as 17. In some cases, Ragdoll cats have even made it into their 20s.

The reason that it is so difficult to give an accurate estimate of lifespan is that it is not only the genes that affect lifespan, but it also depends on environmental factors such as diet, health, and lifestyle. There are many reasons why indoor cats can live longer than humans. Cats have evolved over millions of years, they have adapted to living with humans and they have been selectively bred to be easygoing and friendly.
They are also very active and energetic, they have great hearing, vision, and smell. Cats are bred for a variety of uses including companionship, show, and as barn cats for keeping mice and rat populations down.
It is important to remember that the lifespan of a cat is not a fixed number. The exact lifespan of a Ragdoll will vary by the individual. Next, we’ll take a closer look at all the factors that directly affect Ragdoll longevity.
What affects the life expectancy of a Ragdoll
How long an animal will linger in this world is determined by many factors:
Needless to say, a pedigree kitten from genetically healthy breeders has a better chance of a long life than its street peer.
This is explained, among other things, by purposeful selection work, in which cats with genetic anomalies are not allowed to breed. The Ragdoll breed is characterized by high muscle tone.
This factor is often directly related to the breed. Heredity directly affects life expectancy. If the pedigree of the animal is known far enough, and it abounds with champions and long-livers, it is likely that your pet will live to old age without losing activity and health.

Castration and spaying
Longevity is closely related to the intensity of lovemaking and the ability to release sex hormones. The latter are able to drive any adult cat, deprived of a sexual partner, crazy.
If the animal is not in the category of breeding, it is recommended to spay or neuter it, removing the risk of sexual infections and hormonal shake-ups. Uncastrated female cats are at risk of developing not only mammary gland cancer, but also tumors of the ovaries and uterus. Uncastrated male cats are at risk of developing tumors of the testes and prostate gland.
The life span is also influenced by the conditions of keeping, which includes the temperature of the air in the room, cleanliness, absence of drafts, free space for games and not only.
Important! It is great if there is a place for a playground, so that the cat moves a lot. To maintain optimal fitness, you can also take it out into the fresh air more often.
It is proven that active animals live much longer than those who leave the couch only for visits to the litter box and food bowl.
It is strange to expect a record life span from a pet whose food is poor in vitamins and minerals. Feed your Ragdoll a balanced, high quality diet and he will live a long life.
Not surprisingly, as such a cat ages, a variety of ailments will appear and progress, including:
- colitis and gastritis;
- diabetes;
- kidney disease;
- constipation;
- metabolic disorders;
- allergic manifestations.
And this is by no means a complete list of ailments catalyzed by bad food.
Cats benefit from eating twice a day. Be sure to use the feeding guide on your pet’s food to ensure they are getting the right amount of food based on their weight. If you notice your cat becoming underweight, it’s important to increase its calorie intake. Be sure to choose a quality brand of food, as better quality food will be more nutritious.

This parameter is closely related to both the diet and lifestyle of the indoor cat. Hypodynamia and unbalanced food lead to a set of extra kilograms, and obese animals do not stay in this world for long.
Diseases and their prevention
No matter how much you take care of your cat, there is no 100% guarantee that sooner or later it will not catch some virus, parasite or accidental injury. And every serious disease weakens the organism and shortens life.
The only thing that the owner is able to do is to vaccinate the cat in time, systematically deworming and regularly visit the veterinarian.

Psychological comfort
An important circumstance that can prolong the cat’s life is an emotional background.
Do not forget to play with your ragdoll, the emotional background is very important for the cat
Is it worth expecting longevity from a cat that is constantly scolded and punished, not playing much and not talking at all. Such an animal feels neglected and superfluous in your family. It is logical that after a while he has signs of chronic stress and neurosis, triggering severe somatic diseases.
A cat that is loved has no reason to be discouraged, so it will try to live near you as long as possible.

Health Problems for Ragdoll Cats
Ragdoll cats have a reputation for being cute, docile, and well-behaved, but several health problems can affect the life expectancy of these pets.
Various health problems can affect the average lifespan of your Ragdoll. While Ragdolls are an overall healthy breed, they can be affected by different health problems including obesity, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (a form of heart disease), and urinary tract issues (including bladder stones). Due to the length of their coat, they are also more prone to getting hairballs.
Other causes of death in Ragdolls that are seen in all cats include heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory issues. If you notice any unusual symptoms in your pet, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Please note that all the health problems that can affect your cat and your veterinarian will be able to help you find the correct treatment for your pet.
It is important to take your cat to the vet regularly and make sure they are up-to-date on all of its vaccinations. In addition, veterinarians can help detect and treat health problems in your cat.

Ragdoll Developmental Stages from Kitten to Adult Cat
At birth: kittens are blind, deaf, helpless, have basic reflexes and the ability to purr.
Week 1: umbilical cord falls off, kittens are still completely helpless and dependent on mom.
Week 2: ears open, kittens gain about twice their weight, socialization process begins.
Week 3: kittens are trying to become a little more independent, trying to do things without mom’s help, actively crawling and trying to learn to walk.
Week 4: eyes fully open, babies begin to walk, tumble and play with siblings, learn to brush themselves.
Week 5: balance improves, milk teeth are cut. During this period, you should begin to accustom babies to the toilet litter box.
Week 6: the period of play, all the strength of the babies are invested in creative and energetic games. The weaning process begins.
Week 7: at this stage, the kittens weigh 7 times their birth weight. The weaning process continues. The skill of going to the toilet is consolidated.
Week 8: All milk teeth have erupted. Kittens can fully control their paws and release their claws.
Week 9: Most of the kittens in the litter are weaned. The stage of fiercer and more aggressive play begins.
Week 10: Playing becomes more serious, kittens try to demonstrate their strength and abilities.
3 months: the eye color of the adult animal begins to appear. Kittens are completely weaned from the breast. Although there are cases when regdolls continue to suckle the cat until 4-5 months (if there is such an opportunity). The process of replacing milk teeth with permanent teeth begins.
At 5 months of age, they begin to mark the territory. All milk teeth have already been replaced by permanent teeth.
6 months: kittens are fully independent. Some females may show signs of puberty.
7-12 months: kittens continue to grow, cats are going through puberty. Ragdolls gradually become attached to the household routine.
1 year and older: permanent eye color is finally established.
3 years old: the coloring finally sets in and reaches the peak of its beauty.
8 years and older: the activity level slows down and the ability to groom independently decreases. From this period onwards, health and coat should be monitored most carefully. It is also advisable to regularly check the condition of the teeth. With good care and proper nutrition, Ragdoll cats live 16-19 years, with an average life expectancy of 11-15 years.
If you are looking for a beautiful, sweet and playful cat as a companion, you have found it. The loyal and faithful ragdoll may be the cat made just for you. One of the world’s most popular cat breeds, these gentle giants are easy to keep and will give you a lot of positivity. Obedient, calm, they love people and crave their attention, ragdolls certainly do not belong to the quiet and indifferent types of cats. But these indoor cats will conquer you at first sight and win your love and trust!
With good care and proper nutrition, Ragdoll cats live 16-19 years. Average lifespan of 11-15 years. Despite their low muscle tone, Ragdolls have no serious health problems.
It is essential to learn what is the life expectancy of a Ragdoll cat before you adopt one so you can be able make an informed decision about getting the right pet.
Regdoll Photo:
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Ragdoll cats have health problems?
Ragdolls are known for their docile, friendly nature. However, just like any other cat, they are susceptible to certain health problems. They may be prone obesity, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (a form of heart disease), and urinary tract issues (including bladder stones).
Is 14 old for a ragdoll cat?
Ragdolls are long-lived cats. Some have lived into their teens or even early twenties. That being said, the average lifespan is somewhere between 12-15 years, so 14 would be considered older for a Ragdoll.
Do Ragdolls get sick easily?
Ragdolls are known for being an overall healthy breed. It is important to keep Ragdolls up to date on vaccinations and on a healthy diet to decrease their chances of getting sick.
Are Ragdolls good outdoor cats?
Many people like to have an outdoor cat, as long as it’s well cared for and kept in a safe area Ragdolls can enjoy time outside.