Is My Cat A Ragdoll Mix Or A Pure Breed?  

Is My Cat A Ragdoll Mix Or A Pure Breed

How can I know is my cat a Ragdoll mix or a pure breed just by looking at it or how will I know? The best way to know if my cat is a Ragdoll mix is to get your cat to a breeder or a veterinarian who can give you an accurate answer. The … Read more

What Are The Characteristics Of a Ragdoll Cat?

What Are The Characteristics Of A Ragdoll Cat

What are the characteristics of a Ragdoll Cat? Ragdoll Cats are beautiful and affectionate cats and are popular for being outgoing. Ragdolls are highly social, friendly, and loving; they have a playful and curious nature and will enjoy playing with you and your family. They can be trained to learn obedience and make great pets … Read more