Do Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes? – Genetics Revealed!

Do bicolor ragdoll cats have blue eyes, or are they brown like most other cats? How do you know if your cat is a bicolor ragdoll?

Let’s find out everything you need to know about this distinctive cat breed, including whether bicolor ragdoll cats have blue eyes!

What Is A Bicolor Ragdoll Cat?

A bicolor ragdoll cat is one of the three traditional coat patterns of the ragdoll cat. The other two patterns are colorpoint and mitted ragdolls.

The bicolor coat pattern has led to some confusion in the past, as many people thought that they were a crossbreed rather than a purebred ragdoll. However, the breed societies all agree that a bicolored ragdoll is a purebred.

Bicolored ragdoll cats come in all the color shades associated with traditional ragdoll cats, and they can also be influenced by coat markings such as tabby or tortoiseshell. However, their coloring will follow the same distinctive pattern as in all bicolored ragdoll cats.

What Is A Bicolor Ragdoll Cat

The cat will have specific areas of the body which are shaded with darker hair. This includes an inverted ‘V’ mask marking on its face, which is always symmetrical. They will have darker hair on the ears, tail, muzzle, and over the back.

The legs and feet of a bicolor ragdoll are always white, as well as the chin, chest, and abdomen. This area of white must be uninterrupted from the chin right through to the groin area.

Most bicolor ragdoll cats have pink noses, and pink paw pads as well. There are some variations on the bicolor markings of ragdoll cats, and not all of these are considered to be acceptable by breed associations and competition judges.

Do Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes?

All traditional ragdoll cats have blue eyes, and this includes those with the bicolor coat pattern variation. Bicolor blue ragdoll cats will be born with bright blue eyes, and they retain this coloring right into adulthood. The shade of blue of a ragdoll kitten’s eyes can change over the first few months of its life.

This eye coloring dates back to the foundation bloodlines of ragdoll cats and is one of the best-loved characteristics of the breed. The shade of blue can vary from pale blue to dark navy blue, although a vivid blue coloring is considered to be preferable by show judges.

Ragdoll Cats. The Ragdoll Cat Owners Manual

Do Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes

Do All Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes?

All ragdoll cats have distinctive eye coloring, but the exact color of their eye will vary according to some genetic influences.

Traditional ragdoll cats all have blue eyes – these are sometimes referred to as pure-bred ragdolls, but there are some other pure-bred ragdoll coat colors and types that can have different colored eyes.

These other types are known as non-traditional ragdolls, and they occur when a specific set of genetic influences fall into place. These are not a result of recent cross-breeding but come about as a result of other cat breeds which were used to create the original ragdoll bloodlines.

For example, mink ragdoll cats have a greenish tinge to their blue eye coloring, creating an aquamarine tone. This is due to the cross-breeding of ragdoll cats with pedigree Burmese cats by the founding breeder, which created the highly sought-after mink type.

Do Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes? There is some controversy surrounding the eye color of non-traditional ragdoll cats. Some breed associations will only accept traditional ragdolls with pure blue eyes, and state that any other color such as blue-green or gold is an indication that the cat is not a purebred. This leads to the exclusion of mink and sepia ragdolls from breed registries and competitions.

However, some other breed associations and competition organizers consider non-traditional ragdolls to be purebred because this coloring is a result of the original bloodlines of the breed.

If there is any doubt whether a cat is a purebred ragdoll or not, you can check the pedigree history with the appropriate breed societies. It is also possible to have a DNA test taken which will confirm if your cat is a pedigree ragdoll or not. However, pedigree or not, your ragdoll is still a remarkable and much-loved member of your family!

Summary – Do Bicolor Ragdoll Cats Have Blue Eyes?

So, as we have learned, ragdoll cats with bicolor markings are classed as traditional ragdoll types, and should always have blue eyes. Bicolor ragdoll kittens are born with bright blue eyes and they remain this way throughout the cat’s life. Most ragdoll cats have blue eyes, although some non-traditional types such as the mink ragdoll can have green or gold eyes.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on do bicolor ragdoll cats have blue eyes! Do you have a bicolor ragdoll cat with unusual eye coloring? Or perhaps you’re struggling to figure out exactly what color your ragdoll cat is? Leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you!

Read also: What is The Lifespan of a Ragdoll Cat


Do Ragdoll kittens' eyes stay blue?

All ragdoll kittens are born with blue eyes, and although the shade can vary slightly over the first three months of life, most of them retain their blue eye coloring. All traditional ragdoll types will have bright blue eyes, while non-traditional ragdoll types can have shades of green or gold in their eye coloring.

What is a blue bicolor Ragdoll?

A blue bicolor cat occurs as result of a combination of a blue base coat coloring and bicolor coat pattern markings. This means that the colored areas of hair on the cat are 'blue' - not actually blue, but a silvery gray color. The hair under the chin, neck, and lower abdomen will be pure white, and the cat will have white paw pads.

What Colour eyes do Ragdoll cats have?

Ragdoll cats are famed for their beautiful blue eye coloring. In traditional ragdoll cats, this blue can vary from a pale blue through to dark navy blue. For showing, judges and breeders favor a bright vivid blue eye color.

Some non-traditional ragdoll types have eyes that are not blue. Mink ragdoll cats have a green tinge to their eye coloring, resulting in an aquamarine effect. Sepia ragdoll cats have distinctive gold-colored eyes.

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